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**Duck meat is red meat and has a high nutritional value ** Duck meat is considered red meat, delicious, sweet and has a high nutritional value for containing high percentages of minerals (iron, zinc, copper, phosphorus and manganese), mineral salts (sodium and potassium), vitamins (B12, B9, B7, B6, B5, B3, B2 and B1), anti-oxidants (selenium) ,unsaturated fatty amino acids (omega-3 and 6), proteins (myosin, collagen, elastin and gelatin), nitrogen, and enzymes (niacin riboflavin and thiamine). Duck meat helps support and promote the body's mental and physical health, and treats (cases of anemia, blood pressure, heart disease, inflammation of nerves, constipation, stomach bloating, poor nutrition, tuberculosis, chronic liver and kidney infections, spleen disease, insomnia, coughing). It get rid the body of toxins because of being diuretic, activates the body and its mental abilities, nourishes pregnant and lactating, strengthens the immune system, improves bone and dental health and metabolisms, ideal for weight loss (because of regulating metabolism, helping the body burn fat not storing them and gives a longer feeling of fullness), improving the health of the skin, hair and skin freshness. **Our products are non GMO, free of the residues of medicines and antibiotics, feeding on natural herbs, cultured grains and animal waste-free plant feed, reared in vast land under the sun and free air**